Markets We Serve
Near Earth Orbit
Program Highlights
We are proudly certified to provide high quality advanced PCB solutions for you.

GPS III Satellite
GPS is a satellite-based radio navigation system that delivers the gold standard in PNT services to America's military, U.S. allies and civil users.
Rigid-flex Assemblies

G/ATOR Radar
This multi-mission air surveillance system can detect, identify and track airborne threats common to combat environments. These include cruise missiles, aircraft and remotely piloted vehicles, as well as rocket, artillery and mortar fire.
Extended-length Flex, Double-Sided Flex Assemblies

GOES Satellite
Provide advanced imagery and atmospheric measurements of Earth's Western Hemisphere, real-time mapping of lightning activity, and improved monitoring of solar activity and space weather.
Flex and Rigid-flex Assemblies

CRiS Satellite
The Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) instrument provides more accurate, detailed atmospheric temperature and moisture observations for weather and climate applications.
Flex and Rigid-flex Assemblies
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